a good (yarn) read...
first of all, i realize that it is in fact july 1st, and june is over. AND, i am yet to post anything blue. i have excuses. like my digital camera is at the house and i'm at the apartment, i just knitted a blue hat and booties set in may, and i intended for BOTH of kellen's (blue) storm socks to be finished by this time, although after frogging and starting again, i am still only at the heel flap of the first. but excuses aside, the main reason i haven't posted a june project spectrum is I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT IS JULY! time is just going way too fast. so in my little world, it's still june, and i'll post some blue-y goodness when i can. with that said, i'll get on to the real reason for my post...
while i was at the grocery store across the road for the umteenth time, picking up odds and ends so that kellen and i can survive in our new place, i scanned the magazine and book section, and this book caught my eye. i normally don't buy paperbacks from the grocery store and i FULLY admit to being a bit of a LitSnob. don't get me wrong, if i find a cute chicklit book that looks semi interesting in a thrift store or the library, i'll read it, and usually like it, but i'm pretty picky when it comes to my reads. but come on, this book is about a YARN shop!! duh, i had to buy it! so far it's been really good. not life shattering, new-favorite-book good, but good enough that i'll probably buy the book that came before it (about the same shop), and maybe even the author's pattern book. that's right, it was written by a knitter, and it shows. there are times, though, like when she explains what self-patterning yarn does, and calles sock knitting "the latest rage" that i have to groan.
but i really have enjoyed reading it. there's not much for me to do yet in our little apartment (other than enjoy the free wireless and read knitblogs until my eyes melt.) we don't have cable or a phone yet, so my post-work routine involves drinking a cup of tea, knitting, reading, knitting, internet, reading, repeat. so maybe this book isn't the most intellectually stimulating out there, but who wants their intellect stimulated all the time anyway? i recommend it if you've got some free time and $7.
and as for actual knitting news? last night i was knitting kellen's heel flap in bed, and although i thought i had pushed it out of harm's way before he got in bed with me, but when i picked it up later, one of my precious size 0 dpns was BENT AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE. dammit! you'd think one of us would have felt that, wouldn't you?! luckily it was a set of five, so the remaining four are still usable.
oh, and the fair is coming up! last year, i put in my Wavy scarf from
Knitty, my felted marsupial tote, and a beanie, and got two second place ribbons and a third. not bad for the first time around, huh? i just have NO idea what to put in this year...we'll see what i can whip up.
okay, i'm off to read and knit, then repeat.